Animal Healing and Communication
Reconnect with Yourself and Mother Nature
Animal Healing & Communication
Animals communicate and receive information non-verbally; intuitively and telepathically. For example, your cat or dog senses when you are unwell or senses when you are returning home. Most of us who live with animals are already “in tune” and communicating on a deeper level than we realise. Our animal friends communicate to us in feelings and pictures, and receive our feelings and thoughts in return.
The beauty of Animal Healing and/or animal communication sessions is that the animal does not have to be present to receive the energy or communication. Sessions can be done with animals anywhere in the world. Communication can be used with living animals or ones who have died. Energy is not subject to the laws of time and space. The practitioner’s focus and intention facilitates this.
We will ask you for a picture of your animal friend and complete a short consultation form with you prior to the session.
Animal healing sessions will take place at a mutually arranged time.
Animal communication sessions will be scheduled for morning, afternoon or evening, as sometimes animals pick up on their humans eagerness to hear what they have to say! They need to feel able to speak freely!
Your animal may feel thirsty after a healing or communication session and drink more water. Please allow for this, unless your vet suggests otherwise.
NB: Animal Communication and Healing is NO SUBSTITUTE FOR VETERINARY CARE. If you are concerned about your animal friend’s health, your first contact is with the vet.
Combined with veterinary medicine, animal healing and communication provide holistic options for your pets.