
💖✨🌳 Bonjour from La Forêt! Bridges and bridging popped into my head on waking today ( a busy, busy Dreamtime- felt I’d been walking, flying and doing some wayshowing ‘overtime!´ Interesting as my Green Man ( a very starry – yet-grounded-being was feeling similarly) Ding! What a perfect Imbolc symbol honouring Brigid. Goddess of hearth and home-we’re transitioning-crossing from winter into spring…and I’m feeling an urge to de clutter, sweep, clean physically and emotionally…fresh new season, energy,ideas,retreats…change is in the air…..PS the photo is Le Pont de Senoueix, at Gentioux Pigerolles, 10mins from here. A fave basking spot for us, retreating friends and elementals. Blessed Imbolc Magic to you- where’s your favourite bridge? 🌳✨💖. #imbolc. #magicalbridge.#lepontdesenoueix. #passionlimousin#forestofthestarslimousin. #injoy.#springhassprung. #frenchforestretreat.#newearthretreat. #highvibeplaces

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