Reposing from the forest floor again! ( warm enough to be jacket-free today, aka the hardy Celtic blood that rushes through my veins?! living in Scotland for over 40yrs stood me in good stead! 😊 It is SO good to be still and plug into La Terre Mère….when you get quiet, all goes quantum- Be-ing, no 24 hour schedule- everything is possible. Go on, give yourself some space…and breathe 💖✨🌳#forestofthestarscreuse #newearth. #veganretreats.#chakradanceretreats. #lifeinthefrenchforest #injoy.#lightleader.#menopauseretreatsfrance#menopausepower.#gridwork. #newearthretreats. #forestmagic. #being.#spiritualretreatslimousin. #nurtureinnature.#honourtheearth


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